Monday, September 19, 2011

Meat is a symbol of patriarchy and since patriarchy must be recalled at every meal ...

Meat is a symbol of patriarchy and since patriarchy must be recalled at every meal, meat as the centerpiece of the meal enacts that recall. To remove meat from the table not only threatens the notion of the individual meat eater as male but the culture’s commitment to and basis in patriarchy. ~ Carol Adams


  1. carol, a friend & i are curious as to why you use the word patriarchy vs. say, chauvenism & the word recall vs. replacement. please, explain... thank you. <3

  2. Because patriarchy is an ideological system, that reproduces itself; I think of chauvinism as an attitude. I use patriarchal culture throughout the sexual politics of meat. I think the sexual politics of meat instantiates the patriarchy, gives it its "life and blood" as it were. It is strengthening it, re-enforcing it, and representing it. I think of patriarchy as a more encompassing and accurate term. It is being "recalled" in the sense of remembered, re-enacted, re-presented. It is not being replaced, but re-emphasized. Does that help?

  3. Hi Carol,

    I am studying "Men and Masculinities" and have been reading about gender practice and how masculinity (esp. hegemonic masculinity) is about power and control (typically manifest as and through violence) over women, children, and marginalized men in order to perpetuate patriarchy. Your work appears to support these ideas and tie them together with the oppression of other animals as well. I'd love to hear more of your thoughts about all this. Perhaps there will be an ARZone podcast in your future?
