Saturday, December 17, 2011

I don't think the animals would appreciate one animal protector spending ...

I don't think the animals would appreciate one animal protector spending their time criticizing another animal protector ~ while animals are being mutilated each minute.  My bet is that the animals would prefer that animal protectors spend their time convincing non-activists, to become activists! ~ Alex Pacheco


  1. It takes some amount of imagination or even arrogance to think that we might objectively know what animals may think. Sure, we can make educated guesses in certain areas, but that's all we can do with the current, impirically knowable limitations that humans have. Further, not all "animal protectors" are campaigning in ways that help animals. Campaigners who shout racist slogans at Asian-looking people near the Korean Conculate while eating hot dogs is helping animals how?????? The national animal org leaders who have a cat(s) or dog(s) in the luxury of their home but who try to convince the general public that the problem is the worst cruelties found in factory farms and that the fix is to support "humane" or "organic" animal farming is helping the animals how???????????????????????? We have to, if we are serious about the plight of animals, introspect within our own ranks of the greater animal protection movement, to see where we can improve and where we are doing harm to the animals (indirectly). We must criticize ourselves when it is our own ranks that are not helping the animals in truly meaningful ways. It's an absurd statement to say that we should not criticize any "animal protector". It is offensive, and on rational, benevolent grounds I wholly reject the assertion that we ought to be silent and let pass such things. Incidentally, I admire and praise Alex for his work in exposing animal cruelty and rescuing animals because he truly deserves praise for those things.

  2. This was the question Alex was asked, and his reply, which incorporates this quote:

    The Sea Shepherd Conservation Society has been called speciesist by some activists, since it protects animals with popular appeal over those with little appeal. How do you address these concerns?

    Alex Pacheco:
    I agree the temptation is there, to steer others in directions we feel are more productive ~ it's only natural. At the same time, I don't think the animals would appreciate one animal protector, spending their time criticizing another animal protector ~ while animals are being mutilated each minute. My bet is that the animals would prefer that animal protectors spend their time convincing non-activists, to become activists!

    I don't think Alex was suggesting that we shouldn't critique the work of other advocates. I think he was referring more to unfair and unkind criticism from others who are doing what they believe to be their best for others.

    I admire and praise Alex for all his work as well!
