Monday, October 3, 2011

Activists and scholars challenging racism have called into question the term "nonwhite" ...

Activists and scholars challenging racism have called into question the term “nonwhite,” as implicit in its use is the acceptance of “white” as the norm. I am uncomfortable using the term “nonhuman animal” for similar reasons. The expression “other animals” is an explicit recognition of the fact that humans also are animals and an attempt to unmask anthropocentric views that allow for the creation of so much social distance from those who are oppressed ~ Prof. David Nibert


  1. We conveniently deny other animals having what we consider uniquely human qualities – the ability to think, feel, emote, suffer, etc.; while at the same time ascribing to them all our baser nature and faults – saddling them with all the seven deadly sins, in fact. We’re ingenious that way, and runaway speciesists. Mankind will never rise while laboring under this dehumanizing prejudice …

  2. Great. I've always used non-human animals but had the same qualms.
